Savasana & Literally Chill

So yesterday was very eventful for me, literally. As a member of Tidbits Front Row, I get a lot of awesome opportunities to attend social events and sometimes they are exclusively held for us. Last night Joy Yoga on Washington hosted  “Champs & Savasana.” Our evening started out with a healthy happy hour which consisted of green juice and healthy bites. Today I’ll be talking about my first experience trying Cryotherapy instead of my yoga experience because I was super lucky to be able to squeeze in a Cryotherapy treatment before hitting my Power Flow class.

When it comes to the cold I am a big wuss. I keep a sweater with me in my office at all times so I’m not sure what prompted me to try this probably because proponents of Cryotherapy swear that the treatment causes the release of endorphins, elevates your mood, enhances circulation activity, decreases inflammation by clearing toxins and metabolic waste and even helps with cellulite.  I’m sure if I was seasonal marathon runner or LeBron James the subzero temperatures would feel great for my sore muscles. The most exercise I did prior to the session was sitting at my desk and walking around my office.

As I waited for the machine to decrease to subzero temperatures, I had to strip down wearing nothing but gloves, socks and a robe. I see this futuristic huge tube like machine that makes me feel like I’m about to be preserved or transported to the future. As I step in, Lauren activates the lift so only my head is sticking out and I hand over my robe to her. As soon as the session started I wanted to jump out and I still had a whole three minutes to go. Before I knew it the nitrogen that was nearly -210 degrees began shooting out.  Lauren told me to slowly march in place for it to help. Imagine being in New York City,  mid-December as the cold icy winter winds are hitting your face and seeming through your clothes. Well, even that is not  close to how cold it was.  Lauren did talk to me as a distraction but that didn’t shield me from the icy temperature attacking my skin. You are always welcome to tell them you want to stop but my mama didn’t raise me to quit. “You have 100 seconds left!”, Lauren shouted but it felt like hours passed by. Finally, I was given my robe and as I jumped out of the ice tube from frozen hell. I could feel my blood flowing back throughout my whole body as I was slowly warming up.

I’m not going to sit here and tell you, OMG I came out feeling like a brand new human. However, I did feel lighter, more energetic and I almost felt as if I had new blood flowing through me. Maybe I need to give it a few more treatments before I realize any changes. I do recommend that everyone tries it especially for those who run marathons and are always very active. Overall it was fun, something new and I survived! I’m grateful for the opportunity and I will never complain about being cold again. Okay, maybe when I’m in the Colorado mountain tops and the wind is almost pushing me off the cliff I might make a squeal but I’ll tell myself, suck it up, you’ve been through worse.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! Ya’ll have a great Friday!


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2 responses to “Savasana & Literally Chill”

  1. Loved reading this blog post!! Most of the benefits you will notice after three treatments not too far apart. Thanks for coming by and let me know if you ever want to try it again 🙂 It was such a pleasure meeting you last night!

    Lauren Nagle

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Lauren! Thank you! I will definitely try another session!


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